Brain Gym® is a system of quick, enjoyable activities to enhance brain function. It is part of a comprehensive program called Educational Kinesiology or Edu-K.

Dyslexia - Reading difficulty and comprehension

   The program consists of four major parts.

2) 26 Target Activities - These simple, physical movements can bring about rapid and automatic improvements in skills such as memory, mathematics, reading, writing, and concentration. There are noticeable gains in creativity, energy levels, and athletic performance.

3) The Five-Step Balance - This powerful process links a goal of your own choice to the abilities you need to achieve it. It includes a simple method for determining which Brain Gym® activities will best support your goal, plus a reinforcement technique called "anchoring" that quickly lets the new learning become part of you.

​4) Two Repatterning Sequences - Dennison Laterality Repatterning  integrates your left and right brain hemispheres, enabling you to shift mental gears from reflexive action to more conscious ways of thinking and behaving Three-Dimension Repatterning goes beyond left/right brain to include the brain's deeper structure. It is especially useful for achieving the goals requiring attention, motivation, or organization.

Moving Toward Success

Susan Wilbur

Brain Gym® Instructor

11 Tucker Road
Charlton, Massachusetts  01507
